
Bild: Barcelona have 5 years contract signing, Kitty

Bild: Barcelona have 5 years contract signing, Kitty
According to the German newspaper bild reported in the press, the performance of the season sevilla midfielder has signed a five year contract with Barcelona, his annual salary of 8 million euros.
Pull, according to bild get predator adidas 2013 Kitty with Barcelona signed a five-year contract. Now Kitty with sevilla's contract expires next year, the two teams agreed in the negotiation of the transfer price of 20 million euros. After the transfer of the Kitty will fohaysical get a salary of 8 million euros in new contract.
Kitty's earlier in the bundesliga club schalke, croats in for schalke scored 16 goals in 135 games and 29 assists. Then pull Kitty to 9 million transfer price to sevilla, Kitty's growth is now in seville hot star. Pull Kitty this season,adidas predators 2013 as the captain of the seville, contributed 12 goals and 10 assists, and help the team to champions league cup.

